Edited by John Hills, John Ditch and Howard Glennerster 出版元:Clarendon Press Oxford 出版年:1994 Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Beveridge Report: Its Origins and outcomes 3. Beveridge"s Social and Political Thought 4. Beveridge in Longue Durée 5. Beveridge and his Assumptive worlds:The Incompatibilities of a Flawed Design 6. Beveridge and Old Age 7. Condemned to Deprivation? Beveridge"s Responsibility for the Invisibility of Poverty 8. A Prophet Dishonoured in his Own Country? The Rejection of Beveridge in Britain, 1945-1970 9. Beveridge meets Bismarck: Echo, Effects, and Evaluation of the Beveridge Report in Germany 10. Pensions Policy in Poland after 1945: Between "Bismarck" and "Beveridge" Traditions 11. Beveridge Fifty Years On: Second Youth or Early Retirement? 12. The Effectiveness of the Beveridge, Model at Different Stages of Socio-economic Development: The Israeli Experience 13. The Deterioration of the Swedish Pension Model 14. Social Security and Full Employment in Australia